Representatives from corporate Canada, organized labour and political sectors are working together to develop practical measures that address issues of corporate accountability. In February 2001, the Commission embarked on a national consultation process to hear from Canadians how they think these issues should be addressed and resolved.
We invited Canadians to respond to a discussion paper which explores various facets of corporate accountability—the requirement to explain and accept responsibility for actions taken. From February to September 2001, we travelled across Canada, from Vancouver to Halifax. Business people, church groups, unions, government representatives, investors, academics and other concerned citizens made public presentations, attended individual meetings, and sent us written submissions.
We are pleased to report back to Canadians our findings, and we invite you to read our final report
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Canadian Democracy and Corporate Accountability Commission
Representatives from corporate Canada, organized labour and other sectors are working together to develop concrete measures that address issues of corporate accountability.
Canadian Democracy

About Us
Canadian Democracy and Corporate Accountability Commission
Representatives from corporate Canada, organized labour and other sectors are working together to develop concrete measures that address issues of corporate accountability. The commision is hosted by the Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs, Carleton University. It is funded by the Atkinson Charitable Foundation, Columbia Foundation and the Endswell Foundation.